Lieutenant William X. Pendable checked his personal messages when he woke up midafternoon after an overnight shift. There was
a message from that Yeoman who was usually running everything on the station, but it had a subject line that implied it was for some administrator. He almost deleted it figuring it'd been a mistake, but curiosity got the better of him and opened it.
The body of the message was mostly without interest, but it spoke of security holes like the ones used to set up the murder of Jefferies, so he opened the attached report. His eyes grew wide as he took in the information, and he quickly pulled up a copy of the report made by the forensics team about the program that caused the music interruption on the station, and what log tampering had been connected to the murder of Jefferies.
It only took him a minute to write up a message pointing out the connections he saw, attach both reports and fire it off to Lt. Navarro, CCed to half the security staff he was aware of being involved in the investigation and BCCed to that yeoman to make him aware that he'd passed on the information. Once he received confirmation that the message had been sent to all parties, he replicated himself some coffee, and sat back to enjoy a book before his next duty shift in six hours.