After I
left sickbay, I returned to
room 1E617. "The station appears to be safe, for now. Or, at the very least, as safe as it can be expected to be as long as we and one or more
Mib Khans are here."
"We can, of course, expect the situation to deteriorate once the
USS Murgatroid arrives," T'Vit responded.
"In any event," I continued, "I must return to the Ankh, and then I ought to make my presence known to the new commander … as a 'courtesy'. You may move about the station as well; we shall exchange any relevent observations later."
"I shall go to the promenade, in search of-" T'Vit began.
"Take me! Take me!" insisted
T'Sorvik. "I want to see all the people and things!"
"I shall gather more intel about the current status of
Starbase 668 and the personnel therein," volunteered
Evil Storvik, and all present knew that this was merely a euphemism for "I'm going to the bar."
"Drink long and pass out," smirked the seven-year-old girl, before she put on her "
serious Vulcan face."