As the evacuated
marshmallow-stuffed Suida Viarum drifted slowly away from
starbase668, her Captain, Frank Carradine, marched onto the command deck to speak to the station commander. "Were you aware the Commander Lothar was in the system?"
"No, I wasn't," the commander replied, "though I shouldn't be surprised, since Storvik showed up at about the same time. They caused serious trouble last time they were here, so I'm rather grateful that this visit was so short. My officers did the best they could to make their visit brief."
"You had Commander Storvik, formerly of the USS Murgatroid, on your station and you let him go? Lothar and Storvik are currently
Priority One wanted fugitives!!"
The commander blushed, recalling
a message relating to Storvik which he refused to acknowledge. "I'll have my communications officer alert Starfleet Command immediately that they were here, and attacked a Starfleet vessel."
"Very good, if twenty-four hours too late," said Carradine, brimming with sarcasm. "They'll want to add the Suida Viarum to the list of ships disabled by those two." He thought a moment. "Did anyone else arrive with them?"
"Not that I know of, although I believe Storvik came here to meet with Doctor Khan, another member of the Murgatroid crew who's been working in our sickbay for months now."
"What ar we waiting for?" bellowed Carradine. "Call your station's security and have them meet us at the sickbay. We need to talk to this doctor immediately."