Mari and Ptolemy leave Mari's shuttle, having been innoculated (thanks to Mari's biochem know-how) against the TGMR virus.
Ptolemy, still a little unsteady on his feet, is leaning against Mari as they walk down the corridor.
Just as they walk towards a ship that appears to be undergoing repairs, a figure bolts towards them, slamming right into Ptolemy. All three of them go down in a heap.
"Hey!" says Lilith, Mari's other half. "What in the hell...
The figure, who appears to be a vulcan male with a small goatee, attempts to rise and says, "Out of my way humans!" However, he finds himself tangled up with Ptolemy, who has been knocked silly (well, sillier) by the impact.
"Uhhh," says Ptolemy. "Vulcan? Hey, Vulcan--Storvik, right? I think that Khan guy was looking for you..."
Storvik pauses for a moment, looking closely at Ptolemy. Do I remember a version of this man? he thinks to himself. Before he can decide, a loud bellowing comes from down the corridor.
"Is that...'The Way We Were?'" asks Mari.
"No time," says Storvik. "This way!"
He runs down the corridor, back the way Mari and Ptolemy had come. They follow.