On his way to the docking area, Storvik found himself outside one of the ship's bars. He saw a small group of security guards was outside the bar, and crept up behind them to listen. They weren't saying anything about a search for a certain Vulcan, or anything else Storvik was hoping for them not to be discussing. They were discussing Lothar.
It seems Lothar was busily killing her way through as many clones of Khan as would wander into the bar. The guards were uncertain as to why some occasionally still made the trip, but were awfully glad that they did (so that Lothar didn't turn her attention to, say, station security guards). In fact, they had been exchanging bets for some time on how Lothar would do in each new clone he got his hands on, while strongly suggesting to civilians that they find another bar to go to. There had almost been trouble when one civilian, learning that Khan clones were not considered individuals and killing of them was not considered murder, decided to try killing a Khan himself. Lothar got upset, and made it clear that Khan, all of them, were hers to kill. Then he started
singing again. This somehow upset the guards more than the Khan slaughter.
In Storvik's original universe, Brother Lothar was a pacifist Buddhist monk who'd
helped him escape to this universe. Storvik wondered if this Lothar might not also have possession of a relic for traveling to other fictons throughout time, space, and relative dimensions. He walked past the guards (who recognized him as "that weirdo Vulcan from the Murgatroid"), took a deep breath, and walked into the bar.
"Lothar," Storvik began. "Can I buy you a drink?"
"Yer already paying for my drinks so I leave bar standing," slurred Lothar. Lothar then went on to describe to Storvik in gruesome detail how much she'd been enjoying her time in the bar at Storvik's expense. She gave Storvik a friendly slap on the back which would have broken human ribs.
After some other small talk, in which they discussed random technology and violence, Storvik asked Lothar if he knew anything about strange artifacts for instantaneous travel. "I miss my underpants," Lothar drawled in reply, a conversational opening which Storvik refused to pursue.
Suddenly, Lothar sat up, and cocked her head to the side (as if listening to a voice which only she could hear). She turned to Storvik with a large grin on her face. "You're not the real Storvik!" she exclaimed. "You're an extra! That means
I can launch you into space!!"
Lothar picked up Storvik and hurled him toward the bar's window. Had not Storvik immediately hit his commbadge and bellowed "Storvik to Surak's Razor! Emergency beam-in!" either he or the window, or both, would have been smashed into pieces...