
Jan 06, 2005 18:11

YES or NO ( Read more... )

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wat up its anthony anonymous January 6 2005, 15:32:54 UTC
> >
1. ugly? no
2. kind? yes
3. quiet? kinda
4. loud? nah
5. shy? no
6. weird? no
7. selfish? no
8. rocker? hell no
9. crazy? at times
14. nice? yea
15. mean? ...j/k lol
16. immature? not as bad as me
17. rude? nope
18. cool? if u werent would i talk to u
19. brat? no
20. stupid? maybe lol
21. caring? yea
22. mature? no
23. a friend? yea
24. more than a friend? not rele
25. talkative? of course
26. boring? no
28. creative? no
29. smart? 2+2 does not equal 8
30. a flirt? sometimes
31. trendy? nah
32. a psycho? no
33. athletic? no
34. confusing? sometimes
35. sweet? i dont rele no
36. mood swings? no
37. attractive? yea
38. annoying? yea
40. hyper? yea
41. laid back? who u neva
42. perfect? no

*****WOULD YOU...*****
Hug me?: yes
Miss me if I was gone?: already did
Listen to my problems?: of course
Hug me if I cried?: yea
Be a good friend?: not making ne promises j/k j/k

*****WOULD YOU...*****
16. Ever go out with me?: idk i love erica remember
17. If you already have would you do it again?:
19. Kiss me: sure y not
20. Marry me if you could?: does the name erica ring ne bells

*****IF YOU COULD*****
Hook me up with someone (real), who would it be and why?: vinnie he needs a gf bad lol
Do one thing with me what would it be and why?: get to no u betta

What do you love about me?: ur happy alot
What do you hate about me?: nothin rele
What is my best quality?: idk
What is your honest opinion about me? ur a rele nice person and i wanna get to no u betta o and by the way im not always the perverted freak from school ive got a soft side lol


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