AdrenalinFest 2007

Nov 08, 2007 12:45

So, it's been one of those days today. On my way to class, already late, and 500ft or so in front of me, there's a hit and run accident on 35-E. So what do I do?

I decide to arrive in the nick of time, pull over, and let the Eagle Scout in me take over. I got a refresher on how to splint a broken upper leg and lower arm with very improvised materials, though I'm feeling like a moron now that I'm critiquing my aid rendered. I screwed up by taking them out of the car, but damn it, I still feel like I did something worthwhile with my day...

Now, to stop shaking from adrenalin before Chem class... then again, if I'm still adrenalin-surged, maybe I won't fall asleep in it today.

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