Jan 01, 2008 11:34
Howdy everyone!
Yes I know I am a very bad LJer and haven't posted anything in about 6 months, so of course the first thing I am going to do is start off with a request. I am flying out of Sydney to NZ on the 9th of January, but because of the early hour at which I am required to check in (6:30am is when I need to be at the airport)I need to travel up to Sydney on the 8th. Are there any Sydneysiders out there who could put me up for the night of the 8th of January? I will buy you dinner/chocolate/beer/wine/food of choice for the privelege of sleeping on your couch.
For all you Chch people, I will be in town from the 9th - 16th of Jan. I know lots of you will be back to work but I hope I can still manage to catch up with everyone. Please email me if you don't have my mobile number.
And now back to slothing around and enjoying the last day of holidays.
Happy New Year everybody!