Over the last year or so I have managed to convert a number of friends over to the knit side, either by teaching them myself or by setting a good example so that they went and found out how to do it from some other source. As part of that I also promised that I would post a bunch of knitting related links so that they could discover the interknit. So for all you knitkids here we go:
Knitty - this is the best knit zine on the internet, lots of free patterns, plus tips, tricks and techniques. It comes out quarterly and the opposite season to us since it is based in North America. This can be an advantage to slow knitters like me because you can prepare for the season ahead.
Magknits - this knit zine comes out monthly and only has patterns. Personally I find the patterns in it a bit blah, but YMMV.
Cast On - This is without a doubt the best knitting podcast out there. Brenda Dayne is funny and lively, plays fantastic music you never heard before, talks about knitting, life, culture, DIY and gets you thinking about making and what that means in a consumerist society.
The Yarn Harlot - Stephanie Pearl-McPhee is possibly the most famous knitblogger in the world. She is a woman of incredible energy who has bought us such projects as the knitting olympics and tricoteuses sans frontiers/knitters without borders (who have so far raised over $320,000 for MSF/doctors without borders) all while writing three books about knitting and raising three teenage daughters and knitting some of the most beautiful items I have ever seen.
See Eunny Knit! - This is the knit blog of Eunny Jang. Although she hasn't been posting much recently her blog is worth checking out for the tutorials she has written (see the links on the right hand side of the page) and her free patterns.
Interweave knits - This isn't an internet thing really, but it is my favourite print knit mag. There are usually at least three, if not more things, I would knit from each issue, which is pretty good going since most of the other knit magazines I struggle to find one thing I would consider wearing.
Alright that's it! Well not really it actually as there are hundreds and hundreds of knit blogs out there, not to mention all the other craft blogs. There are now in the order of twenty knitting podcasts floating around plus numerous other craft podcasts. This is just scratching the surface of the information floating around about knitting on the internet. So go have a look, see what you can find and then go knit something.