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Comments 47

lttledvl_writes January 1 2008, 03:52:36 UTC

Seen like that, it does look daunting. Who in there right mind would ever want to do one hundred of those things? They must be nuts.


Err...I did say I was going to do the 100 didn't I? Well, that confirms it then - I am nuts! Lol!


lttledvl_writes January 1 2008, 03:53:13 UTC
And I have no html skill apparently. durr.


starandrea January 2 2008, 01:16:19 UTC
::laughs:: YAY! "Anyone even remotely interesting is mad, in one way or another." Doctor Who!

...Ooh, what are you doing?! I see scifislasher has been convinced to do Leo/Kai! ♥ Score us!


lttledvl_writes January 2 2008, 01:22:59 UTC
I am doing the whole of SPD. Much like scifislasher has set up small different lifestyles/scenarios for her au100 Jack/Sky, I also have set up a couple of different 'universes', but the twist is that the pairings will skip around for each verse.

!RockstarBridge is just the first of five seperate 'verses I have worked out. There was gonna be a sixth, but it off on a tangent and I'm not sure if I could nail much of it down to the prompts. Although...since the prompts have changed from the au100, it might *could* fit in now. Will have to think on that.


elaby January 1 2008, 04:16:54 UTC
Ooh, ooh, I'm doing one of these! They're really fun :) I like to use dice (two d10s or percentiles) to decide which prompts I'm going to write.

*shameless self-promotion* Mine is here.

Then at the end you have 100 pieces of writing! I haven't finished mine yet, but I look forward to it :)


starandrea January 2 2008, 01:25:33 UTC
Yay bodyandsoul100! ♥ You are so awesome! I'm so glad you linked to this here, because now I can refer back to your prompt table Ever More Easily ::giggle:: (Dude! We've already done three of the same prompts! Rock!)

Also, you have taught me well ::nods:: TABLE LINKS! I have seen the light!


elaby January 2 2008, 01:49:25 UTC
Eee, I'm so glad it was helpful! ^_^ Caitirin taught me how to make the table.

Those prompts are so much fun! I'm wicked glad you're doing this :) *radiates awesome back at you* <3


starandrea January 2 2008, 05:37:19 UTC
I know; I kind of feel like I'm cooler because I'm doing something that elaby is doing ::giggle:: It really is all in the company we keep, isn't it? ::pets life:: Such an interesting time to be us ♥

PS, I totally saw your marriage civil union certificate on WBZ tonight! Eee! ::claps:: Not you, sadly (::pouts::), just caitirin's name. Congratulations on another special day! ::hearts::


purplestripe66 January 1 2008, 17:19:20 UTC
The way the bunnies have been attacking me lately, I think I'm gonna do this too. So you'll have company! O, and good luck.


starandrea January 2 2008, 01:27:44 UTC
::giggles:: Did you see that comment? Ignore it! I got confused! This is my real comment: who are you going to write about? ::sparkle:: And also, YAY! ::cheers::


purplestripe66 January 2 2008, 03:05:53 UTC
LOL. I'm not sure yet. I think SPD. But I automatically feel bad guilty about that because I have so been neglecting IS. But I don't think I could pull that off for this challenge. So I'll probably just have to entertain my SPD plot bunnies for this and make it (one of) my New Year's resolutions to write more IS.


starandrea January 2 2008, 05:40:00 UTC
Do you know, I'm actually doing this instead of working on my second book, and I could feel guilty, except that a few days ago I also wasn't working on my second book ::grin:: It's not like I STOPPED doing one thing to do the other--I wasn't doing any writing at all, and now I am! So I consider it a win! As they say in "Meet the Robinsons," keep moving forward! Even if it isn't in the direction we'd planned, at least we won't forget how to move ^_^



rosabelle January 1 2008, 20:58:40 UTC
If you hadn't linked to it, I'd have no idea that the comm existed. So, thanks for that. *grins* Good luck with yours!


starandrea January 2 2008, 01:31:54 UTC
I just told purplestripe66 that she had clearly picked the best team ever for her claim, and then I was like, "Wait! That was phantom_blue!" So, let me tell you... you have clearly picked the best team ever for your claim!" ::grin:: Thank you! Good luck back! ♥


rosabelle January 2 2008, 03:26:26 UTC
*grins* I have clearly picked the best team ever! (I think SPD is my second favorite team, but I've hardly seen any of the season. I just like to read about them.)


starandrea January 2 2008, 05:47:55 UTC
::ponders:: I think Ninja Storm might be my second favorite team. Then... maybe Wild Force. What an interesting question... and yet I started it, with "best team ever" ::amused::

And hey, how interesting... I think I'm ranking them based on how much of each season I've seen! ::blinks:: I assume my mind is doing that based on the principle that the more I like something, the more I'll watch it, but I'm not sure ::grin::


firedawn February 14 2008, 21:23:21 UTC
Pssst. Just wondering.. are you ever going to print the other "Children of Power" stories? Cos if you are I'm holding off on buying a copy from you until it's all out!


starandrea February 15 2008, 01:26:19 UTC
Yes! :) I'm planning to both print and continue the series, and I'm actually proofing the second book right now! I'm hoping to release it on February 29th ♥


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