Title: Nine Lives: Hyoyeon
Chapter: 1
Characters: Main: Hyoyeon & Jungshin, Sunny & Sungmin. Minor: Jeesica, Sooyoung, Yonghwa, Seohyun & others
Pairing: Hyoyeon & Junghin, implied Sunny & Sungmins
Genre: Romance
Rating: G.
A/N: This is the first 'arc' of a nine arc series all surrounded around SNSD. I was going to make it a very large fanfic but it was getting confusing and I really wanted to focus around one girl at a time. I hope that explanation wasn't really confusing! also this is my first time ever writing about SNSD so I apologize if I get anything (major) wrong ^^
It was a pretty and pink cell phone.
It was brand new and just like her friends.
It was the reason for endless nights of studying to get into a top school.
It was the current source of Hyoyeon’s frustration.
“Why isn’t the text sending?” Hyo thought out loud, she had read the manual for her new phone but many of the diagrams and explanations went over her head. She had never been very good at electronics especially texts, she would have rather talked to Sunny on the phone… if she could figure how to make a call.
Hyoyeon was about to give up when a boy tapped her on the shoulder and in the process made her jump three feet.
“Phone troubles?” he asked flashing her a suave smile.
Unable to hide her true emotions Hyoyeon immediately started to blush,
“Yeah… kind of.” She tried looking away but it didn’t work, the boy just continued to smile.
“What’s the problem?” he asked.
“Uhm.” She hesitated a bit wondering if it was all right for her get help from a stranger.
“My phone wont text.” She responded to him frowning.
“It’s being mean to me.” She frowned.
“Here.” He said he carefully took her phone out of her hand.
“Sorry, hope you don’t mind.”
Normally Hyoyeon would have asked for phone back and thought he was rude for just taking her phone but his smile kept stopping her.
‘Why am I acting so shy?’ she thought, the feminine style didn’t really suit her Hyoyeon rarely ever acted the part of a helpless young girl but every time she saw that boy’s smile she would’ve liked to melt to the floor, it was a feeling she’d never felt before.
The boy quickly tapped the keys on her phone and in seconds her phone said “Message Sent.” In it’s electronic voice.
“Ah! How did you do that?” she asked amazed.
“Simple.” He got closer to her and showed her how she could send a text.
Her mouth opened wide,
“you’re amazing!” she grabbed her phone,
“How come I didn’t see that?”
She stared at her phone,
“You don’t like me do you?”
The boy tried to stifle a laugh behind his hand but Hyo heard him and turned her head,
“What?” she pouted.
“Nothing, it’s just.”
His eyes meet hers,
“You’re very cute.”
Hyoyeon could feel her cheeks get heated again,
“Thank you for helping me with my phone. Do you have a phone like mine?” she asked
“Nah, I don’t actually have a cell phone I just play with my friends’ all the time.”
“Why don’t you have your own cell phone?” she asked hoping she didn’t sound too rude.
“I don’t really have the money and it doesn’t really matter to me.”
“Ahh…” was all that Hyo could manage she felt a bit foolish having spent a two days awing over her new phone.
There was an awkward silent pause, and she decided to ignore it and stare at the houses across from her.
It was a good couple of minutes after their conversation when Hyo then realized she had never asked for his name and she turned to find the boy had disappeared.
There was nothing but empty neighborhood streets and trees.
“Was I just day dreaming?” she whispered as her bus pulled up to a stop.