What Celeb do YOU Look Like?

Dec 11, 2005 03:34

I saw this originally on razberryfixx's site.

There's this website called "face regognition" something or other & tells you what celebs your face resembles.

I submitted five pics for comparison, but the main "look alike" celebs that repeatidly popped up for me were:

Angelina Jolie (4 times)
Christina Ricci (4 times)
Kate Winslet (4 times)
Bette Davis (3 times)
Beyonce Knowles (3 times)
Sandra Bullock (3 times)
Halle Berry (3 times)
Drew Barrymore (3 times)
Zhang Ziyi? (twice)
Liv Tyler (twice)
Alanis Morrisette (twice)
Mira Sorvino (twice)

others mentioned were: Scarlette Johansson, Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman, Vivienn Leigh, Jodi Foster, Ville Valo, Elijah Wood, Jackie Kennedy & Bjork.

Funny thing is, I have been told that I looked like Christina Ricci, Angelina Jolie, Liv Tyler & Alanis Morrisette before. Funny how you never see it yourself, till you take one of these little tests. ha ha

Now, don't trust me - go see for yourself & check out who your face looks like.
You too my darling, could be in pictures.

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