(no subject)

Jul 24, 2004 15:32

Name: Chelsea
Nicknames: Chelly
Age: 16
Location: rochester and or barrington
Hair color: brownish
Eye color: dark brown
Height: 5'1
Weight: not enough right now
Tattoos: 0
Piercings: 2 in each ear

About you.
Scars: one on my shoulder when i ran into a door a couple of years ago, and a line on my stomach where i burned it on a pan
Do you wear makeup: a little
What color is your bedroom: soon to be white with pink polka dots
Most expensive item you own: my car
How would you classify your style: i wouldnt
Fear: being alone forever
Loves: my friends but also being alone at the same time
Hates: being alone... contradicting, i know
How do others see you: probably as some snobby bitch who needs to wake up and face reality
What are you labeled: no idea
How many are online right now: 15, but only 2 that arent away
What song are you listening to: she will be loved by maroon 5.... its on the radio

Significant other: not at the moment
How long have you been together: i have been "seeing someone" i guess you could call it for a couple of months now
What attracts you most to them: He is a good kid, very realistic... he has pretty eyes too, thats attractive
What bothers you most about them: the meaness sometimes
Your crush: oh god, i get crushes every day
How long have you liked this person: they dont last very long
Do they know you like them: some do, but mostly not
Are you a Virgin: no
Would you ever hook up with someone of the same sex: i dont think so

Are your parents together: no
Pets: 2 newfoundlands and a golden
Siblings: 1 sister
Siblings ages: 12
Parents age: in the 40's
Parents job: my mom owns a hair salon and my dad works for mcdonalds
House color: blue
Number of floors your house has: 2 + basements
Fav. thing about your house: my swing on my front porch
Least fav. thing about your house: my family

More acquaintances than friends: definitely
Best friends: I would say Charlene and Rayray... I used to be close to kirstin but i miss her lately
Do you like all your friends: I am a firm believer that if you don't like someone you shouldn't pretend to, so yes I like all of my friends
Worst thing a friend has done to you: probably fooled around with someone i was very close to
Worst thing you've done to a friend: the list could go on and on, i never claimed to be perfect
Loudest friend: Char
Shyest: Kirstin, but only around boys
Most talented: raychel is the best sexer anyone has ever sexed if that counts
Smartest: kirstin
Craziest: Charlene
Weirdest: Chia without a doubt
Always makes you smile: Emily of course even though she id far away
An acquaintance you wish was your friend: there are many people i wish i was closer to

Done drugs: never
Got drunk: once
Smoke: nope
Stayed up all night partying: no
Stayed up all night alone: more than once
Had sex: we established that i have
Hooked up with someone you didn't know: no
Hooked up with a friends guy/girl: nope
Broken the law: probably
Snuck out: yes and i am still paying the price
Stolen: not purposely
Skinny-dipped: sadly no
Stalked someone: haha hasnt everyone?

Color: Pink
Music Genre: anything i can sing to
Movie Genre: horrow movies are my favorite
Band: matchbook romance has my favorite lyrics
Animal: giraffe
Sport: dance... and lacrosse
Song: a have a new one every day
Quote: i dont really have one
Book: The Notebook
Movie: Moulin Rouge
Language: English
Person: Timmy Nai of course, just ask chia
Clothing: i am a fan of jeans and a sweatshirt

Beliefs and Views
God: maybe
Attend Church: no
Spiritual no
Aliens: no
Ghosts: sometimes
Love at first sight: no
Wishes: only on stars
Abortion: pro choice
Politics: dont care
Death: what about it
Sex before marriage: i guess i have to agree with that now dont i
Legalizing marijuana: dont really care
Eating disorders: are dumb
The media: tv programs are designed to go between comercials
Gay marriages: should be legal, who the fuck cares, if they are in love than why the hell should you have a say in whether or not they should be together
War: its all very sad
Meat: i eat it
'Angry music': makes me feel better when i am angry

Word Association
Love: unrealistic
Music: fun
White: clean
Death: inevitable
Computer: too much
Peace: ...
T.V: saved by the bell
School: torture
Sex: yes please
Plant: trees
Hate: highschool
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