Duke of Edinburgh!!!

May 08, 2005 15:50

heyy! well yesterday we went on our DofE training and it was damn cold! then it got pretty nice wen we went on our walk so cant really complain...
firstly we set up our tents and hell that was a chore! it kept blowing away so me and vicky ended up pitchin a tent like a mile away from where we originally put it lol so we gotta get that right for next time, and then we learnt how to set up the "cooker" which is kinda cool expect the pots and pans were a bit urgh lol, and BECCA is a ledgend! she set all the food up got evrythin goin in the rain and hail while we all sat in the tent move over gordon ramsey thats all i can say! and then we ate out lukewarm uncle bens rice yum yum it was pretty nice actually cant complain... and then we set of on our walk with mr knowls and found out somethn VERY INTERESTING!!!! ok well i'll call _ _ _ mr.beautiful for this lol...
we were walkin thru the fields and i sed "i would love to run through here its soooo open" and knowles sed "oh no dont do that this boy two years ago did that and the farmer saw him so he jumped into the crops and got covered in insecticide and got a red blotchy rash!" so we were all like awwwww and then i said "who was this unfortunate chap?" and mr knowles sed....."mr beautiful!!!" well u shouldve seen our faces! woooooooooo had me smilin the whole time i can tell u that! but knowlsey will keep schtum i hope
hehehehehheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxx

well we didnt actyually want the walk to end becuase it was real nice sunny and quiet just us and nature and the "field" hahahaha well we came home and i went into watford and my uncle got me a ralph lauren cool perfume set which i adore its such a beautiful scent!!! yummy and after that i went hope and went to sleep and didnt wake up till this morning, so thats 7pm till 8:30 am like 13 hours!!!! thats just after 5 miles of walking imagine me after 15! sleeping beauty u got competition!!!

Well i betta finish this off because i gotsta get ready to go to claires coz we gotsta finish our english media coursework, is it media? well its an advertising campaign at least, were gonna do a tv ad so gotta try and look pretty! and sarah dont be gettin any ideas tryin to nick our tv ad ideas!!! lol just messin widcha! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

wow i really written loads today hope u enjoy readin it! byeeee enjoy dis sunny sunny day evry1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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