This was the time of my life..

Sep 01, 2008 13:48

So, last Thursday, August 28, 2008, in Oklahoma City, I met David Cook.

Okay, wow.
Here's my super super super long review with pictures and videos!!
If you have dial up and want to see the pictures, I can give you links or something so you can look at them one at a time(:

Sorry that some of the words are blue and underlined; I copied that part from what I posted over at Idolforums and it just did that, I guess. Except for at the bottom when I'm talking about youtube..that's a real link, so click it!

Here goes:

Wow. I don’t even know how or where to begin this! I suppose I’ll start at the very beginning. Get’s probably going to be pretty long and possibly redundant or fan-girly at times. Here we go..

On Wednesday night, August 27, Hailey, her mom, her mom’s sister, and I all drove the two and half hours to Wichita Falls, Texas, where we would spend the night. We listened to Idol songs, Backstreet Boys, Taylor Swift, Jason Mraz, and Jonas Brothers on the way there. It was great. We got to the hotel at around 10 and checked in and then went and got in the hot tub. We came back to the room and finished up some of the gifts we were taking for the boys the next day. We went to sleep that night having no idea of what was about to take place the following day.

On Thursday morning, we awoke at 8:15 and got showered and ate breakfast. We packed up all of our belongings and were on the road to Oklahoma City by 11 AM. It hadn’t quite hit us that it was all really happening today! We eventually saw the Ford Center from the road and it finally sunk in that we were about to see the Davids and the rest of the Idols!! We had to change our clothes in the car because there wasn’t an easily accessible anything other than the car. Thank goodness for dark, underground parking! We came out of the parking garage and saw a small area blocked off by barricades and about 20 people gathered around it already and we automatically knew that this was the place we needed to be. We found ourselves a nice spot right on the front of the barricades (everybody could be up front, really, since the crowd was so small) and waited. We had no idea who, if anybody, would come out and when. Little then did we know..

The meetings began with Kristy Lee Cook and David Archuleta. Hailey freaked out so much when she saw Archie walk out the door! Kristy m ade her way to the opposite end while David stayed on the end by the door. Kristy hardly spent any time with the fans. She would sign, take a picture if you asked, say thanks, and move on. I found her attitude to be something of an “I don’t really want to be doing this” kind of air. I didn’t really appreciate it, but oh well. We were nice to her and she signed our books and took a picture with us, so whatever. I can’t complain. By the time Kristy had already gone back inside, Archie had progressed maybe a little more than a quarter of the way down the line. He was spending a good amount of time with everybody and making sure they got to talk and get a picture or signature or whatever they wanted. He did a really great job of interacting with the fans.

Soon after Kristy returned inside, Brooke White came out! She also started at the end opposite the door. She is SO tiny! She’s also really gorgeous and totally sweet. Hailey and I wanted to be her best friend, hahaha. She had a really cute hat and shirt on, too. She got to us and saw our books and thought they were really cute. I asked her if they had been in Bossier City in the past couple days and she said yes, they had and I told her that I used to live there. Even though she probably didn’t really care about that, she was like, “Oh that’s so cool! It’s a really nice town.” And she actually acted excited. I thought that was nice. She, too, made her way down the rest of the line and went inside. By now, Archie was getting closer, and then Ramiele came out. She didn’t really say much, at least not to us.

So, FINALLY, David got to us and Hailey freaked out. She gave him the gift she put together for him and he was really grateful for that. Then she had him sign her book and take a picture. She had written a lyric from “Crush” in the book and he saw it and started singing that line! It was so cute and we all awwwed and giggled and he smiled all cute like. He’s seriously too cute for words. Then she asked him for a hug and he was like, “Oh sure!” and they hugged and Hailey freaked out some more. It was really great. Oh, and in their picture, it totally looks like they’re dating. Hahaha, it’s awesome and SO cute. Then, it was my turn to meet Little David!! I smiled20at him and asked him to sign my book and he did and then I asked for a picture. While he was signing and taking a picture with me, he was totally singing in my ear the whole time. I mean, he didn’t purposely sing in my ear, he was just singing like the happy little kid that he is. It was so awesome, though! He didn’t even know what song he was singing. Hehehe, he’s too cute!! I also thought about hugging him, but I was like, “No, I’ll let Hailey be the only one with an Archie hug so she can feel special.” Ramiele went past us while David was talking with us and he goes, “Hey! You skipped them!” It was SO adorable how he said it! So she came back and took a picture with Hailey and signed our books, but she walked away before I could get a picture with her. She was kind of weird. Hmm.

So, Rami went back in and then Chikezie came out! We got all excited because we love Chikezie. He got to us and we were like, “Hey Chikezie!!” and we gave him his box of candy and he was SO thankful. He hugged both of us first before we could hug him. It was cute. And he like put his face like right on mine, hahaha, it was weird but kind of cool. And we took a picture with him and then I asked if they were doing an after party and what was the best way we could get passes and he said that the only way he could get passes to give people was if he got them early in the morning.=2 0And he kind of seemed sorry that he couldn’t give us passes and then I felt really super bad for asking him, because I don’t know, I kind of felt rude. I don’t know. But then I told him to do good tonight and he put his hand on my arm and looked me in the eye and said a really sincere thank you. He’s the sweetest<3

Jason came out next! I looked over by the door where they would come out and I saw him and I turned to Hailey and was like, “Oh my gosh there’s Jason!!” so we freaked out and got his box of candy and Bob Marley shirt out and ready to give him. I have to admit that I was slightly disappointed with Mr. Jason. Don’t get me wrong, I still love the boy to death, but I just expected more from him. I was expecting him to be saying random, silly, Jason-like things, but he was hardly saying anything at all. Maybe he’s still a little shy and just doesn’t really know what to say to people yet. I don’t know. But we gave him his candy and the shirt and he saw the shirt and was like, “Heh heh, Bob Marley, nice.” So that was cute and very Jason-like of him. Then we took a picture of the three of us on Hailey’s camera and then he started to walk away but I was like, “Wait! Can we get one on my camera, too?” so we did that and then he tried to walk away again but I was like, “Wait! Can you sign my book? I’m sorry!” And he was like, “No don’t apologize, it’s cool.” So that was sweet of him. And he drew his signature little dreadlock smiley. I told him I liked it. It’s so cute!

And then, oh my gosh, finally, David Cook came out. Everybody kind of screamed and I almost started crying right then and there. I couldn’t freaking believe that he was RIGHT there. It was crazy. So it took him forever to get to us like it did Archie because he’s so good to his fans. He would talk to them for a really long time and take pictures and laugh with them and everything. He really is just such an am azing guy. There’s nothing else to it. So after like a really long time, he was a few people down from me and I was going to take a picture on my phone, but my hand was shaking so badly that I couldn’t even do that! And then he got to Hailey and the whole time he was signing and taking a picture with her, I was standing there saying, “Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh,” over and over again. And he heard me, I guess, because when he turned to me, he made an excited face and pointed at me. That was first time I died, and that most certainly wouldn’t be the last. So he was standing right in front of me and I was like, “Okay, I have like twenty things for you,” or something like that, and he was like, “Okay!” I handed him the bag with his gifts in it and I was like, “This is for you,” and he was like, “Thanks!” and handed it to the security guard behind him. Then, he was like, “Okay, what’s next.” So I had him sign my book, and then Hailey’s aunt was like, “Let’s get a picture!” so we took a picture and I died again from being so close to him. Now, let’s back up for a minute. When he was still a lot of people down from us, I saw him take of his sunglasses and hand them to somebody, so I turned to Hailey and said, “Oh, my gosh! I’m going to ask him to switch sunglasses and take a picture!” And now back to the story. So we took our picture and then I was about to turn to him and be like, “I have an awesome idea! Let’s switch sunglasses!” but as I was turning, he goes, “Now we have to switch sunglasses.” I looked at him (right in his GORGEOUS green eyes, by the way) and said, “I was SO about to ask you that!” and he made another excited face. I died for the third time there. So we switched glasses and he chunked up the deuce, so I did it, too. He made a cool weird face but I was way too excited to even try to do that so I just smiled like a little ninny. After we switched sunglasses again, he was like, “Anything else?” and I was like, “Can I have a hug?” and he just engulfed me in this huge, LONG hug that killed me for the fourth, and not even the final time. I honestly thought that if I got the chance to hug him, it would just be a quick little one second hug, but I was so, so wrong. That was by far the best hug of my life. Wow. I kind of remember this, but kind of not, but Hailey told me that at the end of the hug he was like, “Thanks darlin”, so, hi, I’m dead for the FIFTH time now. Then, this is the very best part, we pulled away from the hug and he was like holding my shoulders at arms length from him and he said something like, “Oh, my gosh!” or “Aww” in a surprised voice, I’m not sure what he said=2 0exactly, though. And apparently I was shaking really badly or something, I don’t know, but he let go of me and started walking over to the security people saying, “Hand me my water bottle.” On his way back with the water, he opened it and poured some in his mouth without touching his mouth to the bottle (I kind of wish he would’ve touched his mouth to it, hahaha) and he came back to me and gave me his freaking water bottle. David Cook gave me his water bottle that he just took a drink out of. That was the sixth, and I think final time that I died while meeting him. So I said thank you for everything and I think he said thank you to me, too. I couldn’t even drink the water for like a long time because my hand was shaking like ridiculously a lot. Also, after he had moved down a couple people, I just like burst into tears. I was proud of myself for not crying while he was right there, hahaha, but I guess I covered half of my face so people wouldn’t see me looking stupid while I cried and people thought I was actually going to faint, lol. There was a lady that was like, “Do you need a chair?!“ and I think Hailey’s mom asked me if I was going to faint. I thought that was kind of funny that I freaked out so much that people thought I was going to fall over, hahahaha. So I was just standing there in shock for pretty much the whole rest of the time he was out there. Although, I made sure I told Hailey everything that just happened so I could remember it all because I didn’t want to forget anything. Also, while he was on his way back to the door, I called his name and had him sign the water bottle so people would actually believe that it was his. And Hailey gave him Michael’s candy so he could deliver it to him since Michael wasn’t going to come out. He asked what was in it and Hailey was like, “You have one, too!” and he kind of demanded, “What’s in it?” so we both said, “Candy” and he goes, “I’m going to eat all of it!” It was so so cute. And after that, we went back to the car and went to the hotel to check in.

At the hotel, we did our best to freshen up and I called home to tell everything that had just happened. We then went to Slotchkies (I have absolutely NO idea how to spell that name) and had dinner. It was super yummy. We made our way back to the Ford Center and parked. As we were walking across the street, a lady stopped and asked if we were going to American Idol (there was also some strange Aladdin type thing going on..don't ask) and then proceeded to tell us that we wouldn't be able to take our bags in because they were too big. Now, let me tell you, our bags were freakin cute. Like so SO cute! So we grumbled and headed back to the car and got our cameras and money and lip gloss and whatnot out and then went BACK through the Aladdin party and finally got in the arena. We were shocked that the price of the tour book had gone up, but bought one anyway. I also got a keychain(: We found our seats and freaked out for a little while because that's the closest we've ever been, even though we were still kinda far. Then the show started!

Chikezie was so good. Way better than I remembered him on the show. Ramiele did a pretty good job, too, but she was just kind of boring. Her sparkly outfit was adorable, though! Then Michael came out. Wow. That boy knows exactly how to work a stage and a crowd. He definitely outshone his number 8 spot. After Mike was Kristy Lee. I didn't know either of her songs, besides God Bless the USA. She's a little boring, too. Then Carly was next. In honor of Randy, that girl can blow! Wow! And finally, to close the first half of the show, Brooke came out. I have to admit, I wasn't a huge fan of her on the show, but after meeting her (she's precious) and seeing her perform live, she's moved up to top 4 or 5 for me! Her set was absolutely adorable and I was sad when she went backstage. The group song was fun, too.

During intermission, there was a bratty little kid that Cory picked to play the Air Guitar Hero game and we all were super annoyed and wanted to go slap his mother and then spank the child. Wow. Then, I turned in my seat just to look around and I saw Jeff Archuleta back with the sound and light s guys! So I turned to Hailey and go, "Oh, my gosh! THERE'S DADCHULETA!!" So we kind of ran over to him and waved and he came over and talked with us for like 5 or 10 minutes and we took pictures with him and he's just so sweet! And I'm taller than he is, hehehe. The pictures look stupid, too, because we used Hailey's camera and it was on a crazy setting, so the flash is like WOAH! So I look like a ghost because I'm white enough already, haha.

Jason was next and I couldn't hardly understand anything he said between his songs. That was okay, though, I don't know that he felt too great anyway. Everybody sang along with Over the Rainbow and it was cute. Daydream was adorable, too. I didn't really care for Crazy, but whatever! Syesha came out and I was already annoyed. That girl just bothers me a little. But she sang really, really well! Umbrella was fun because everybody loves that song. And the Alicia Keys song was really good. The last song she sang, I don't know what it was, but I was blown away. Those notes that she hit at the end were intense!! I liked her sparkly dress, too(: Archie was so cute and so good and everybody screamed SO loudly for him. His Stand By Me dance was so cute! And then Cook came out. I freaked out so much and videoed and took pictures of everything I could before my camera died (which happened during the middle of Billie Jean). He came down into the crowd during My Hero and it was pretty cool. He was his normal silly self.20The Mavid dance was great, and the Archucook extended hug was so cute!! Then it was over and we went back to the hotel(:

I was a little disappointed that I didn't get any poptarts, though. I didn't see anybody handing them out :(

Sorry that that was so incredibly long! I just had to make sure I told y’all every single detail about David and the rest of them!!

All in all, Thursday, August 28, was by far the best day of my, so far, very short life. (:


First, the pictures of me and David and the rest of the Idols.

And then there's Dadchuleta(:

And here are all of my David Cook pictures from before the show:

Hopefully, I haven't killed you or your computer yet!
I also have more pictures of the Idols before the show, so if you want me to post those, let me know (:
Oh and I also have pictures of the actual show, but we were kind of far away, so they aren't really worth posting, but I can also link you to those if you want them!

I have at least one video for every Idol during the show, so you can find all of those here at my youtube channel!

Wow. That was a super long post there. Hope you enjoyed it(:
And if you post my pictures anywhere (I don't mind if you do), it'd be super cool if you could credit meeee<3

american idol, david cook

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