Rollin on DUBs

Dec 04, 2004 01:10

So... everY breAK I like TO Take Up a New Hobbie SO i don't Get To borEd over my BreAK, and It also helpS When I get DepreSsED or UpseT. this SummEr It Was ScrapBookIng, Last Winter I made liTTle faIries (i got thiS Cute Kit). This breaK: KNITTING!

For the lasT Few years My LittLe SistER had beeN knitTing, and She alwAys sEemed to calm her. She ALwAys Looked Relaxed. SO i thought... Hey, why Not LeaRn TO knit. im Not Too Good, Im Horrible. But Im GeTting BETTer. Im way betTer Than before. Right now Im Making a scaRf. Its The only ThinG i know how To make, my sistEr Too I think. beSides i wont Wear a SweAter Or knit Socks. But ill TotALly WeaR a scaRf. Its Gona be WHite. Its Comming Along nicely. It LooKs preTty Good i tHink. The End Product Will be AweSome. Its Gonna Take a whilE FOr Me, but im exicitEd. I fEel Like a GrAndma, But how Many people Know How TO knit now*a*days who are My Age? Not alot.

So Thats basicly What Ive beEN Up To. Just SchOOl, MyLove, Knitting. mY finaLs ARe Next Week Too! then 6 weEKs. EvErytHink Is AcTuAlLy ReALly GOod Right Now. KnoCK on Wood. *SNAPS FOR ASHLEY*

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