Nov 11, 2008 11:55
And if the real thing don't do the trick
You better make up something quick...
This year, I'm going to make a New Year's Resolution a little early. I resolve from here on out that when I read a news article, I will only read one page of the comments. That's enough to get the gist of how people are feeling about issues, without having to read the 50+ pages of tripe that ensue.
This resolution comes on the heels of reading about California's Proposition 8, and the reaction it's getting. Now, everyone knows that I was as sad and hurt and angry at the passage of anti-gay marriage amendment in my former state and in my current state, but I have to say that people are being horrible- ON BOTH SIDES! I was reading the articles in the AZ Republic and in the SF Chronicle, and both sides have degenerated to name calling, to blaming and flaming and all sorts of logical fallacies. And these are the newspaper readers, who are supposed to be semi-intelligent adults? Honestly, doesn't anyone bother to check their facts anymore? NO- no one is going to mandate sex ed for kindergarteners. NO- the Mormon Chuch is not soley responsible for the passage of this amendment. And this kind of "discussion" is not constructive.
Reading too much of this kind of garbage makes me lose a little more of my faith in humanity. And that's why I resolve to stop.