Sep 27, 2007 13:18
Well, I suppose I should do some sort of basic college update now that I've been here about a week and a half. I've been to all my classes at least once so far, except one discussion section for my Intro to Fiction class. They all seem like they're going to be really interesting, and my schedule is actually pretty easy. (Three of my four classes only meet twice a week, and the last is three times a week.) Beyond Intro to Fiction, I'm taking Intro to Psychological Services, Childhood and Adolescence, and Spanish 101. My Spanish teacher seems really good, but I'm hoping the people in the class won't end up being really annoying.
Socially, things are going just swimmingly. My roommate and I get along really well, and there's only 15 people on my floor, so we're all pretty tight already. Plus, I've been spending a lot of time with some Jews I met at this sleepover thing the night before move-in. And speaking of Jews, I got into the Jewish a cappella group on campus, ShireiNU! (literally "our song"- they love being clever like that here, as in "What's NU?") I also tried out for the bigger choirs, and I'm waiting to see where I get placed in those.
I guess that's about it for now. I hope everyone is doing welll!
Rachel :)