Jan 27, 2006 21:27
My parents are considering to let me go to England as my graduation gift! yayayayayyayayaya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My mom says that she might let me go alone! And this is my mother, who won't let me go to the city by myself, but she'll let me go to a completely different country, with an ocean seperating us, and where the drinking age is considerably lower. I said to my mom, "What if I just hook up with someone there?" She just laughed and said, "Uh huh, sure Rachel."
We'll see who'll laugh after I come back Mom. :D
And I had a good time off. Sarah P came over, and we chilled. Lost was good. I feel SO bad for Charlie, because honestly, Claire is being an idiot. And also, when Liam fell out of the crib for the diapers commercials that they were doing, I laughed for fifteen years, it was so frickin' funny. And with that, I am so not in the creative mood to type anymore.