Aug 18, 2008 12:18
I see a lot of people making bad relationship decisions. The one I hate the most is LUST. Most people think they are in love but in the real world it is called lust. Try this spend a month or two celibate with you significant other (ie. NO SEX, FOREPLAY, NUDITY, or SEXUAL TEASING) Treat the relationship as a first date and talk to them, get to know the person for who they are not what they do for you or to you. From there you will know if your relationship is based on lust or love.
Below is a list I follow when I pursue the fairer sex. if any of my turn-offs are met then I am done. I know in the long run I will not like it and the relationship will not work. This is why I am a hard person to date. I have a lot of requirements that have to be met. The person must be smaller than me! I am only 5'6" and I get intimidated by tall girls don't know why and I have not been able to change this.
She needs to be smart in all aspects; Book and street. I can't have someone that is stupid. I am always learning and I won't stop. I need someone to talk to and have real conversations.
And last but not least I need someone that is fun. Someone that doesn't want to do anything is lame and will result in loss of communication.
Instant Turn Offs
-People that Party too much - You can have fun with out Booze
-Snobs - Nobody is better than everybody and your shit does Stink.
-Laziness - You need a job and goals. I sleep 4-6 hrs a night up early and in bed late. I have many things to do and 16hrs or less to do it doesn't work for me.
-Un-Healthy - I don't care if you are a little over weight but if you are don't eat fast food all the time and do some kind of work out
-Controlling - If I can't be the person I want to be then Bye. I don't change for anyone but myself. I also have my friends and I will not loose touch because you don't want me hanging out with them.
-Fake - If you Change your body through plastic surgery to make you look better; you are false advertisement. Fake, Broken, The Most Ugly thing to mankind.
Instant Turn-Ons (Added Perks;
- Short - <5'2" is wonderful but not mandatory
- Red Head - I Love red hair and it makes me go nuts
- Nerdy - I Love brains and good conversation
- Talented - Music, Art or anything that is considered as Cultured.
- Love for one self - How can you Love someone until you love your self. Also how can you make someone happy if you are not happy
- Confidence - You have to be strong and believe in your self.
- Tattoos and Piercings - Need I say more
In the past 25 years I have learned what I am compatible with. Most people say I have high standards. Nope I just know what will work for me at this point and what hasn't worked for me in the past. Attraction on looks has always been a plus but but it is not a requirement. But I also know that I need to work with the counterpart. If not I know things are not going to work. I need someone that will like me for me creepiness and all. Yes I am creepy and I don't care. I don't try to impress anyone and if I did try I know I would be unhappy. I have been there and seen that.
One last thing before bed
Girls - If a guy is treating you bad physically or mentally; Leave! I hate seeing girls being nieve (hes going to change) He shouldn't he doesn't like you for you and he is tring to change you. You don't need that. Leave! If you don't and you get hurt, Well I told you so. (IT WILL HAPPEN)
Guys - You will never understand women. I don't care who you are and the only way you will figure out how they work is to become one. (I don't know many men that will do this)
Girls & Guys - Sex is much better if you wait at least until you know the person don't jump in to the sack because next you are going to do is drop the L-Bomb ( I LOVE YOU ) and you don't you just love sex everyone does and it sends chemicals into your brain that is perceived as love and it is not. it is LUST.
Girls & Guys 2 - Arguments are normal to the human race. You fight with family and friends and you love them. What is different with your bf or gf? You don't have to hate someone to fight. It is going to happen. Everyone fights. But when you can forgive the person even if you feel you are right then you are learning compassion which will lead to love. Now fighting should not happen about everything and anything all the time. That just proves you as incompatible. Make a list of what you like and dislike about someone. If it is all you like is there looks or sex you are not compatible with that person. Break up before you hurt yourself and the other person.
Girls & Guys 3 - Break-ups Suck this I know. If you are going to break up with someone make sure it is for the right reasons and not the wrong ones. Be honest and talk to one another. But once you do break up with someone and tend on not dating again then drop them from your life for the next 3-6 months. Don't call, text,or see the other person. It will make this process a lot easier. I am not saying Never talk to them again. Just don't for 3-6 months.
I hope this helps people. Also Remember the words I may have already said