Dec 01, 2004 15:43
second guesses are for the faint at heart.
seconds turn to failure, and failure will tear us apart.
today was average.
alex and i went for coffee this morning.
and shannon was awesome and picked us up 'cause it was raining/snowing.
we played nba hood too.
its my favourite game ever. REMIX!!
that was probably the highlight of my day.
so this future jazz is nuts.
i have no idea what i want to do next year.
i kind of want to go to university.
i don't think i'd be able to go to mcmaster though.
living away from home and all.
however i think i could pull off glendon.
and i could live at home.
uoft might work too.
but i dunno.
we got the course calenders today for school.
and i really don't want to come back.
i'm sick of highschool.
i know i keep complaining about this same dilemma.
but really i'm that indecisive.
i have a whole bunch of report cards to write for tonight.