Nov 10, 2004 22:08
same old stuff is going on.
i'm pretty busy with school.
as well as work.
i had to write like 40 half way reports for last night and today.
i have to request all my hours for the winter session this week too.
apparently i'm going to only get one shift a week for vaughan.
which sucks because i was hoping to get 3.
it looks like i'm going to have to get more hours in brampton.
which i dont really want to do. because brampton sucks.
in terms of school i'm finally done with hamlet in english.
we're getting into 1984 currently.
i've been so busy with my hamlet essay, i'm kind of behind on the reading.
i have to have up to page 72 read for tomorrow i think.
as well as questions answered.
i think i'm on page 12 or 13.
i'm highlighting as i go along too.
and making notes.
that way it will be easier when essay writing time comes along.
guitar class is stupid.
i'm still really considering dropping it.
history is good.
we always have awesome discussions.
we're studying the confederation jazz right now.
it's pretty neat.
alex and i went for breakfast this morning.
we went to harveys, then timmys.
theres some remembrance day thing tomorrow.
so 2nd period doesn't start until 10:20.
alex and i, and perhaps others are probably going to go out.
or something. i have no idea.
i have to meet alex at timmy's for 8 though.
so the o.c. is on tomorrow night.
i can't wait.
that's about it.
not very interesting.
i really should go get reading.