We're sorry, the Princess is in Another Castle...

Jan 20, 2009 21:11

Thank God there was no traffic this morning on the way to work. That would have SEVERELY irritated me. But, par for the course for living so close to DC. The office was dead today due to several of my coworkers who lived on the other side of the beltway. Those of us who came to work watched the inauguration in the conference room on a live feed. We heard an amazing speech today.

In non-Obama news..
I get my braces off and teeth professionally whitened in 2 months. Fantastic.
I will probably have to wear retainers for a while. Worth it.
I've lost about 5 lbs. Still have a lot to tone.

I'm thinking of getting a part time job even though I have a salaried full time job. Why, you ask? Because Life, the Universe and Everything is expensive. I have to pay for aforementioned braces (10K for adult braces is so very jawsome..no pun intended). I also have to pay back a couple thousand in student loans. I have one more credit card left to pay off annnnnnnnnnnnd *drumroll* botox injections at $900 a vial [I'll need four vials]. (NOT for cosmedic reasons, but rather for my hyperhydrosis treatment.) Also, i would like to move out (and really, move on with my life) as soon as possible. AND, grad school starts this summer/fall. Now, i'm not a math person, but all of this just does not equate without some extra income. "She works hard for her money and you never treat her right..."

9:20 and I'm already feeling ready for bed. I've gotten old.

Happy Birthday to Matt P. and the Disco. Hope you guys had a good one.

Yep. Thats right. I'm a selfish girl who can only think about her own problems.
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