Jan 03, 2006 02:26
I cant believe its 2006 already. 2005 went by so fast....2005 sucked. This year Im gonna get my shit together. Im gonna get my GED start school and lose weight. I also quit smokin ciggeretts. I just want a life ya know...maybe way later on this year (I mean WAY later) find a nice guy and have a normal life. Thats all I really want. I just want a normal life again. I need to focus on me and only me for like the whole beginning of this year. I need to get a job and start makin money...I want a car, I want my own place, but none of that will happen if I dont get a good job so I need to get my ass back in school. It took me a long time to get to this point but im here and theres no lookin back.