Jun 05, 2011 02:47
[For a little bit, you'll hear rustling around. After a few minutes, you might notice a patch of light pink hair and then the girls face. From going from becoming a crystal, drifting in the dark abyss, falling out of the darkness into a town called Traverse Town, and going on the tour, she's not really sure what to say. At least she was told the basics, given 1000 munny, a hotel room key, and a communicator.]
So this place is called Traverse Town?
[She sighs a little, taking another look around.]
What happened to Bodhum... Cocoon....?
I appreciate that you've given me a second chance at life, but this is a bit much. I need to go home and find Lightning and Snow.
❧ [final fantasy xi] lilisette,
❧ [tangled] rapunzel,
❧ [kingdom hearts] terra,
❧ [final fantasy viii] zell dincht,
❧ [final fantasy vii] zack fair,
❧ [final fantasy xiii] lightning,
❧ [final fantasy xiii] serah farron