Mm hmm. Mm hmm mm. [A large mouse rat wearing a fine suit was circling Basil trying to fight back a laugh at the others expense…. And not fighting it very hard] Mm wha ha ha ha ha! Did you honestly think you could defeat me. Me?
England’s.. no the world’s greatest criminal mastermind?
[Basil narrowed his eyes and refused to give Ratigan the
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A rat. That's what you are, right? [Ritsuka looks slightly confused when the rat gets upset. No, rats aren't the most flattering of animals, but that is what animal this creature is, right? Regardless, Ritsuka's words do seem to draw him away from the tied up mouse... but the now rabid looking rat was coming towards him.]
Ew, get away. [He backs away when it tries to climb up his shoe and nearly trips on an empty rusted can on the ground.] I said quit it!
[He picks up the can and places it over the crazed rodent.]
[Basil has enough time to wriggle free of his bonds and moves closer to Ritsuka]
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