Aug 14, 2011 14:11
With the disappearance of the previous director of the inter-dimensional police force (IDPD), I have decided that I will step forward to take responsibility for maintaining the force and keeping it alive and ready to serve the collective worlds on which it has a presence. Thus the base of it's operations will be moving from Olympus Coliseum to Port Royal. That said...
The IDPD is still looking for applicants and is still willing and ready to train recruits in what is necessary to accomplish these tasks.
To carry the badge of the IDPD is to be an extension of the laws placed on each world, and every member shall be required to familiarize themselves with both interplanetary and local laws. To apply, please fill out the information below.
1 Name:
2 Age:
3 World most often visting/world home of record:
4 Please tell us about your prior experience:
[ ]None [ ]military [ ]police [ ]magical [ ]medical [ ]administrative [ ]technical [ ]scientific [ ]investigative [ ]public relations
5 Please expand upon the answer(s) provided in block 4:
5a If you have experience in a field not provided above, please explain here:
6 Do you have combat experience?
7 Are you willing to undergo a "basic training" environment, or prefer to learn how IDPD works while in the field?
8 Your signature:
[OOC: As previously stated; no one will get denied unless ICly under the age of 16. This is merely to get an idea of who is capable of what, as well as identifying what positions your character would best fill. This is also to inspire more CR and character development, so don't take it as anything too serious.]
[final fantasy vii] kadaj,
❧ [final fantasy viii] zell dincht,
[final fantasy vii] sephiroth,
❧ [final fantasy vii] angeal hewley,
❧ [tiger & bunny] kotetsu t kaburagi