[ oo3 feathers ] ﹏ღ Video

Jul 23, 2011 00:55

Now that all of the crazy has toned down, it's about time something positive is happening in place of it! A ball! Woo! Can you believe it? I can't remember the last time I-...err. Well, I guess never hurts to do it again!

There's a ball that's taking place tomorrow annnnnnd it looks like I'll need an escort! Any takers? Not that I'm in need of a date, but it wouldn't mind going with a friend or two! Preferably one that knows how to get to Beast's Castle, but I'm not too picky! Actually, I can think of quite a few who should use this as an opportunity to mingle! I'm imagining someone tall, old, and badly in need of a haircut. Hmm! I wonder who fits this bill~?

Anyway, I plan to unwind and just enjoy myself. Everyone should come! It'll be a great way to meet all of you at the same time!

Oh! Before I forget, just so you're aware, any and all wallflowers will be immediately pruned, plucked, and tended to by yours truly! No buts! If you need to be kept busy, I just so happen to be a very good dance teacher! Uhm, self-proclaimed! Yep.

So, are you going?

❧ [final fantasy viii] seifer almasy, ❧ [final fantasy viii] zell dincht, ❧ [final fantasy viii] rinoa heartilly, ❧ [kuroshitsuji] soma asman cadart, [final fantasy x] tidus, ❧ [kingdom hearts] leon

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