[Video] Entry 001

Jul 17, 2011 23:20

[If he had needed anything other than his surroundings to confirm the fact he was no longer in Ignas, he shortly received it in the form of a small furry white creature which made him think briefly of chu-chu except for the obvious differences in size and the headpiece and wings. The connection between chu-chu and whatever the small creature was ( Read more... )

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[Video] futurefab July 19 2011, 01:00:58 UTC
I apologize, sir, I've seen no one fitting the description. But I'll keep a look out for them for you! The more people are aware, the easier it'll be to find them.

[She smiles, just slightly, because her next words are rather heavy, too. People have a hard time digesting it.]

As for your world... We've been told the worlds were eaten by Darkness. Occasionally the Darkness can manifest in the form of Heartless, which appear as moving shadows. But as of yet we've been unable to learn more.

It is best to stay away from the Heartless, though, if you're unarmed.


[Video] beschermengel July 19 2011, 03:33:49 UTC
[He returns her smile easily enough despite the news.]

Thank you for the offer, miss. I appreciate it.

Hm...I see. [He's not all that certain still on just what this 'Darkness' is, but perhaps with time and a little investigation he can learn more as time passes.]

[Have a more reassuring smile and a brief view of the hilt of his sword.] No worries, miss. I am quite able to take care of myself.


[Video] futurefab July 21 2011, 09:09:30 UTC
I'm relieved you've the ability to fight, at least. All we can do right now is fight the Heartless that plague these worlds. Someday, though, I'm sure we'll have the chance to win back our own.

[And she returns that smile with a brighter one as well.]

My name is Lilisette. If I can do anything for you, or answer any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I don't know everything, but I'll share what I know.


[Video] beschermengel July 21 2011, 18:56:17 UTC
A pleasure to meet you, Miss Lilisette. You can call me Citan.

If you could though perhaps, can you tell me anything more about this 'Darkness'? Is it a force of nature or is it something more or less than that?

[If it can produce creatures, it could be something akin to Deus, or it could be something worse..but to decide that he rather needs more information than he has currently.]


[Video] futurefab July 22 2011, 03:10:20 UTC
The pleasure is mine, Citan.

[She bows her head to him, just slightly.]

All I know of the Darkness is what I've deduced from being here and fighting it, and the few rumors I've heard. They say that all that exists between the worlds is Darkness, and all the stars are small worlds that still maintain the light. Thus it's necessary to travel from world to world using a gummi ship, which repels Darkness.

[Straying off topic: she's a pro at it.]

I can only assume it's a force of nature that has given birth to evil, and that many have tried to harness. That it produces monsters seems to be a testament to this assumption.


[Video] beschermengel July 22 2011, 05:58:35 UTC
Hm, I see. [Definitely something to think over and study when time and chance permitted, if he could do such study without endangering himself or that around him.

However her lone off topic remark caught his attention.]

Might I ask just what is a gummi ship?


[Video] futurefab July 22 2011, 06:28:59 UTC
It's an airship of sorts that we use to travel from world to world. There are stations that we use in every world.

[She's happy to answer a question completely for once, but then she laughs. There's also that one rumor...]

They say gummi ships run on smiles. It's a preposterous thought, but an amusing one nonetheless.


[Video] beschermengel July 22 2011, 07:43:34 UTC
[You my lady have nicely peaked his interest even more than it already was, the only experience he's had with ships capable of travel between worlds was with the ship in both ruins and several pieces. Though he had more of an idea of how it used to work since his work with the Razael's Tree. Still, seeing a working ship that capable of such travel was definitely something he needed to do here shortly.

He does laugh softly at the last line.]

It's an experiment I wouldn't mind testing for myself. [Have a good-natured smile]

Usually there is some small grain of truth in rumors even if it a fact which has been twisted to mean something it originally wasn't supposed to.


[Video] futurefab July 23 2011, 01:56:20 UTC
Well, I recently flew with a man I've never seen smile and I'm still in one piece, but it would be interesting to know for sure. Here...

[She messes with her device a bit, highlighting the gummi ship station for him, as well as the shop where they sell parts.]

There. If you check your map I highlighted a few places for you, if you'd like to discover more about the ships. Or well, I hope I did it correctly...


[Video] beschermengel July 23 2011, 07:30:41 UTC
[He chuckles softly in amusement] It would indeed.

[Checking the device he held, he managed to locate the map, silently noting the highlights and then returns his attention to her.]

Thank you, Lilisette. Shall I keep you updated on my research of the ships?


[Video] futurefab July 24 2011, 06:52:45 UTC
I'd like that.

[She doesn't have much of a mind for science, but it's a good excuse to keep in touch.]

And if you require any help, don't hesitate.


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