Video 001

Jun 25, 2011 00:30

[A rather tall man stumbled out of the shadows that graced the alley between two buildings. The former general had been nearly certain that when everything had vanished into the that suffocating darkness that he would never see any light again. The fact he had somehow been released from it or somehow had managed to escape was overshadowed rather quickly as he lifted his gaze to take in his surroundings, it was painfully obvious within seconds of the cat-like eyes surveying the buildings and people that he was in no city or landmass that could be found on the world he was from.

The appearance of an actual live moogle and the news it brought merely confirmed the suspicions that he wasn't anywhere close to home and also confirmed that home such as it had been currently no longer existed.

Once the creature had left, he considered what it had told him, considered what had occurred before he had been brought here and came to the conclusion that it was validly possible those from his own world were here and perhaps might be able to answer questions he had refrained from bothering the moogle with.

It took merely a moment's study of the device before it was turned on, the video function showing the General in uniform, standing before a nondescript wall that belonged to whatever building rested behind him. Despite the emotions that had been raised by experiencing what he had previously thought would have been the death of him, he looked rather calm and collected as he spoke into the machine he held.]

If there are any from the world of Gaia or if there are any Shinra personnel in this world, I would appreciate it if you would contact me.

[That said, he turned the feed off and decided to turn his attention toward investigating the town he was now in until someone contacted him and in the event that no one did, perhaps he would find someone else to pose his questions to.]

{ooc: Sephiroth can be found within the first district of Traverse town, beside the Accessory Shop if anyone cares to meet him in person.]

❧ [final fantasy xi] lilisette, ❧ [tangled] rapunzel, ❧ [final fantasy vii] cloud strife, [final fantasy vii] sephiroth, ❧ [final fantasy vii] zack fair, [final fantasy x] tidus, ❧ [kingdom hearts] cloud

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