moogle news!

Dec 04, 2011 22:15

[Just like the last time, the screen flashes on automatically whether or not you're touching the device; cheerful music starts playing and a "Kupo!" follows it.]

Hello Star Kingdom, kupo!

Wow, these past couple of weeks have been chaotic! As you have probably noticed, you're finally back in your old bodies, kupo. I'm sure you're wondering what happened! There's a reason we tell you not to lose your communicators, kupo. Your hearts are bound to that communicator to keep you alive and safe until we get your worlds back. Of course, it's an imperfect process, kupo. People come and go all the time.

Recently, there was a flux with the communicators and anyone using or near them during that time swapped bodies with another person on or near their communicator, kupo. We moogles have been working non-stop to fix the problem and make sure it doesn't happen again. Things should be running more smoothly from now on! Kupo~.

That's all for the Moogle News, today! Keep checking in your helpful news and updates!

[The music fades out and the device switches off.]

(OoC: That's it, Starlights! The bodyswapping event is officially over and things are finally back to normal! We hope you had fun~.)

!moogle news

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