[Ok, that gains another little laugh. Eagle had been scanning them already, granted it didn't look like he was doing anything. Autozam tech was mentally controlled, all he had to do was will the device to start scanning and it would. ]
I just didn't want you to get careless.
[This data once given a good looking over might be very useful in understanding the heartless. It would require a little analysis first. ]
Can you get away now without their trying to come after you?
[Seto sent them an order, they seemed to have gotten excited about something before scurrying off right past him. He pretended to shield himself before turning to look at the pack leaving.]
For one, I learned how heartless are formed and that there are different types of them. At least that's how I see it. The name heartless isn't exactly a nickname, that's what they are. You know, that's what they lack.
[The bit about their not having a heart Eagle had already heard but how they managed to live without them was still something of a mystery. Eagle fell into step beside the nameless person since he was very eager to hear more about this. ]
Instead of warning me, you should scan the heartless. I'm not getting they're attention just so you can stare at them.
I just didn't want you to get careless.
[This data once given a good looking over might be very useful in understanding the heartless. It would require a little analysis first. ]
Can you get away now without their trying to come after you?
[Seto sent them an order, they seemed to have gotten excited about something before scurrying off right past him. He pretended to shield himself before turning to look at the pack leaving.]
Does that count as an escape?
Thank you for... acting as bait.
Sometimes it's the fastest way to get close enough. No problem.
Let's find some more. I can tell you what I learned on my own while we search.
I am curious about that. What have you been able to learn?
He started leading the way.]
For one, I learned how heartless are formed and that there are different types of them. At least that's how I see it. The name heartless isn't exactly a nickname, that's what they are. You know, that's what they lack.
[It's even hard for him to say it.]
It's complicated.
[The bit about their not having a heart Eagle had already heard but how they managed to live without them was still something of a mystery.
Eagle fell into step beside the nameless person since he was very eager to hear more about this. ]
And do you know what they attack worlds?
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