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video; watchesthesea November 26 2011, 19:00:44 UTC

[Hey Jounouchi, have your face appear on the screen. Isn't that a little weird.]

Apparently you have ended up in my body, so that means this one must be yours?


video; blond_smartass November 26 2011, 19:04:58 UTC

[Blinks several times and almost drops the device]

Yeah!! That's me!!! I SEE MYSELF!


video; watchesthesea November 26 2011, 19:08:36 UTC

[Kairi was right, people switch but only between two people, nothing more than that.]

Well it appears like so many others we have body switched. Though as to how to switch back, I don't actually know.

[She pauses to think slightly.]

Just don't do anything while I come find you. I'm guessing since you're in my body you should be on Destiny Island, correct?


video; blond_smartass November 26 2011, 19:18:11 UTC

You don't know? Oh maaaan... [Whines a bit]

[Nods several times] Yeah, I am there. Although- I never visited this part of Island. I won't go anywhere so you can find me easily.


video; watchesthesea November 27 2011, 11:59:47 UTC

It shouldn't be too hard to find you. Shouldn't be more than thirty minutes at most.

[Considering she's been living on this world for so long, it would be rather odd to just forget everything again.]


video; blond_smartass November 27 2011, 16:35:21 UTC


Okay, I will wait for you here.


video; ---> action; watchesthesea November 28 2011, 09:26:19 UTC


[She will start making her way as best as she could in this body. It's snot something she was expecting so working with what you got. It might take a little longer than she originally thought though.]

Finally made it.


action; blond_smartass November 28 2011, 15:10:30 UTC

[He sighs in relief] Good. I thought it will be long time until you found me. [Shifts a bit] How do we get back into our bodies?


action; watchesthesea November 29 2011, 10:07:34 UTC

[Nods slightly.]

I live here, so of course I would find you much quicker than someone who hasn't.

[Though at the question of how they get back into their bodies, she didn't know.]

I don't know, no one has been able to get back, so most likely it's a waiting game.


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