001 ▲ video

Nov 05, 2011 16:14


[The feed suddenly flashes on, giving the viewers a sideways glimpse of a young woman. She appears calm, if not a little perplexed by the device in her hand. The moogle corrects her gently.]

You're holding it sideways, kupo. It's on now, though! You can start broadcasting.

[She pauses, correcting the position of the communicator.] I see, now. [A gentle smile crosses her face as she glances down at the moogle.] Thank you. [Alas, the smile is gone by the time she looks back at the communicator. Instead, the look on her face is very grave, even sorrowful.]

I am Zelda, Queen of Hyrule. If what Mogwin tells me is true, then all of our lands have been lost to Darkness... and yet, I have heard that there are many who have escaped its clutches and taken refuge here. Please, I must know if there are any Hylians who have made it to this realm.

...If there is any information at all you can grant me with regarding the Darkness and how I might be able to help, I would be most grateful. I will do whatever I can to aid the worlds that have been lost.

[chrono trigger] janus/magus, [sailor moon] ami mizuno (mercury), [star wars] padmé amidala, [sailor moon] zoisite (pgsm), [final fantasy vii] kadaj, [chrono trigger] frog, [blazblue] noel vermillion, ❧ [legend of zelda: tp] zelda

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