[The communicator switches on to show Fai, quietly stroking what appeared to be one of those stray
dog like creatures that had been wondering about. He smiled slightly as he did as the creature appeared to be enjoying the strokes.]
Your a odd little guy aren't you?
[His smile had gone back to being false, he had been way to use to doing it and with some disappearances lately, he couldn't really smile a true smile just yet. Laughing slightly, he remembered that he shouldn't fake his actions, he learn that from a good friend, one that wasn't with him right now.]
I shouldn't be looking into the past, right? I should be looking at the present.
[He glanced at the creature again as it licked his hand before playing nipping at it.]
Why don't I give you a name? You don't appear to have a collar, so I don't know if you have one already.
[He scratched the pet before the ears before smiling once more.]
I know, I'll call you Kurogane. You know exactly what to do to snap me out of it after all.
[He laughs, he really needed someone to do that, and it appeared that this creature had come at just the right time. Thinking for a moment an idea was soon in his head.]
Maybe I should...
[Soon he stood up, Kurogane the pokemon looking at him before running off ahead as Fai had started to walk in the direction, his mind now thinking of ideas. He just hoped that this idea will be a nice reminder for people who once knew the girl. With communicator in hand he switched it to voice, it was a good idea to let the staff know about a small change to the menu.]
To the staff of the Cat's Eye, there will be as of next week a change to the menu. I hope that is okay?