Nov 02, 2011 19:31
[ What static is available at the time of the feed's start quickly recedes as a gloved hand tips the communicator just so, prompting the image to come into focus with nothing short of crystal clarity. Its owner is stationed at the forefront of said image, dark eyes catching the candlelight behind the device as she looks the camera, or rather beyond it and into her audience's eyes. If the background suggests she is seated at one of the many tables in front of the Item Shop in the First District of Traverse Town, that's because she is. Sshe's not nearly as relaxed as her uniform might suggest what with her jacket open and the complete and utter absence of a tie on her person, but she masks it well enough... until she opens her mouth. It may be difficult to hear, but there's an undertone of urgency about her otherwise level voice that offsets her composure as she charges clean past any pleasantries into far more pressing matters. ]
This is Valeria of the Turks requesting an immediate response from any and all Shin-Ra personnel who observe this transmission. That goes doubly for any Turks out there. [ She pauses briefly. ] Zack, Cloud: you, too, if you're here. [ And she pauses again, albeit very briefly, her brows furrowing as her expression softens slightly. ]
On second thought, I'd appreciate a response from anyone from Gaia. Affiliation doesn't matter. In this situation...
[ She needs to stick to the general plan she had laid out, that's what she needs to do in this situation. She hadn't regained her composure to lose it to sad, disconcerting thoughts and frankly, she can't afford to. Lifting a gloved hand, she tucks a few stray strands of black behind her ear and presses on, gaze sharpening with quiet, defiant determination. ]
I'm also looking for information. The moogle's explanation left me with more questions than answers and that... it won't do. I'd appreciate any help anyone is willing to offer toward answering them. I don't have much to offer besides my gratitude, but if compensation is an issue, it's an issue I'd be willing to discuss if the information checks out and is good. [ She offers her audience a smile, something small, but not without wholly without warmth as she inclines her head slightly forward in a nod. ] Thank you for watching.
[ And with that, she taps a button on the communicator and ends the feed, her smile falling and fast as she allows her back to meet that of the chair with a soft thud. She's aware she could go ahead and make her way to the hotel the moogle mentioned, but she'd just as soon wait where she's seated for any response. There is some traffic in the First District, after all, and the presence of others is a small comfort she's unwilling to give up for a walk with uncertainty down a lonely street. That it's an ideal location for any meetings has also occurred to her, so she bides her time, eyes wandering and gloved fingers drumming idly atop the table. ]
You guys had better be safe. [ She murmurs, turning her eyes up to the star-filled night sky in the distance. It seems less beautiful than she remembers in the aftermath of her world's destruction. ]
[devil may cry] dante,
❧ [final fantasy vii] valeria (knife),
[final fantasy vii] loz,
[final fantasy vii] sephiroth,
[final fantasy vii] genesis rhapsodos,
❧ [sailor moon] makoto kino (jupiter),
[kingdom hearts] kairi,
[blazblue] noel vermillion