Feb 01, 2009 14:31
AHHH I been working on my page forever!! lol And I failed....*cry*. Seeing I have no clue how to get anything like bio or intrests to show up yet, I decided to put them HERE! HAHA! and here we go!
Anime: Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z / GT, Puni puni, Petshop of Horrors, Fake, Ouran Host club, Utena, Nightwalker, Hayao Miyazaki, Pokemon, Sorcerer Hunters, Yaoi, Shouen-ai. ( gay boys are soo cute! ^^)
Dollfies: I have one little angel named Alice. Shes my darling baby girl! ^^!! Hopeing to get a second to keep her company when I am at school. I also collect clothing for her ( most of which are modified barbie clothes...all I can afford). I hope to put pictures up on DeviantArt one day.
Expresssing yourself: I love any kind of pixel art, drawing, fan fiction, roleplaying ect. As a artist I know its a way to express a part of yourself.
Manga: Fake, Sailor Moon, Petshop of Horrors, Demon Diary, Chibi Vampire, Vampire Doll, Princess Mermaid, ect. ( please do not ask about the MErmaid one.....looooong story behind that! ....includes insanity, coffee, and my dear friend.... that is all)
Home: I live in Virginia! ( I know...sooo exciteing...*snore*) I am a GIRL, 22 years old! ( yes...that means i was born is 86. and a 80's fan to boot! ^^ ).
and there we go! .....whew. ok that was alot. Hopefully, I can find out how to get my bios and all to work....( ahh forget it, I will get my friend to do it...>) pay her with salsa and chips!)