May 27, 2007 11:28
Hello my darling flist! Since several of my lovely online friends live fairly nearby, I am extending this invitation to all of my flist. Yes, I know quite a bit of you reside across the pond in several countries....and I don't expect you to make the journey, but you're getting the invite anyway!
We are heading down to Olivery Winery on Saturday, July 28 (Mini road trip, woohoo!) and will leave Terre Haute around 10 or 11am. We will do a picnic lunch at the winery, so picnic stuff is required! At the winery you can buy bread, cheese and of course, cold wine to drink while we are there. We usually bring blanket and chairs and end up with a huge picnic blanket-like mass. There is a free tour of the winery and a tasting room.....we loves the tasting room!
This may be for my birthday, but no gifts are gift is geting to see everyone and having fun. If anyone wants to come, please let me know!