Good News...ish

Nov 18, 2006 10:44

I just submitted the LAST quiz/test thing from my Personal Trainer's certification course. So I am officially done with quizzes. All I have to do now is find out where I take the certification exam (Silvan, Maybe?), schedule an appointment, study my ass off, and take the exam. I'm going to be busy, busy, busy these next coming weeks/months with all this, but just think! It's so close, I can almost touch it! Hooray! Of course, I'd be much more excited if I didn't feel like someone was jumping on my head at the moment...But I guess it's good to save the excitement for after I pass the exam anyway. Still have quite a bit of work ahead of me for this (and studying several hundred [possibly more than a thousand] pages of materials IS hard), but I wanted to share a tiny bit of good news with everyone, so there it is. Join me in a (I would dance, but again, feels like there's someone jumping on my head at the moment.)

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