Star Driver RP! [open & searching]

Apr 23, 2011 12:52

For anyone interested, my friends conditionally and koondy and I have started a Star Driver RP over at twitter!

At the moment, we have a Takuto, Mizuno, Wako, Keito and Kanako.
If anyone wants to join, just fill out this application below so we can see how good of an RPer you are, and how well you suit the character. Also just so that we know you! <3
(Not to sound elitist, but we also do want this RP to be in-character and somewhat well-done, for everyone's sake.)

And if anyone just wants to take a look at the accounts, here they are!
Taktuo @ galactic_pretty.
Wako @ SouthMaidenWako.
Mizuno @ western_miko.
Kanako @ Presidentko.
Keito @ KeitoEastMaiden.

Feel free to tell us what you think, critique us, talk to us, whatever else. <3
We'd love to have fun with you all!

Application form;

name; (what we can call you outside of the RP.)

contact info; (where we can reach you outside of the RP - personal twitter, tumblr, ect.)

character you want; (just tell us who and why.)

how would your character react - in your opinion - to the following? (you can just provide a line or so of dialogue, just so I can see how well you know the character.)

-someone running into them?

forgetting their class supplies in their dorm room/at home?

getting caught in the rain?

thanks! <3

We might have mulitple people to choose from, so please don't be upset if you don't get the character you want! 
(also, let me know if the coding works or not! I've never been very good at it.)

I hope you hear from some of you! <3 I can't wait for this to get up and off the ground. :'D

PS, I don't see anything saying this isn't allowed, so? Just tell me if it's otherwise. 
cross-posted @ saibuddies.
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