(no subject)

Sep 14, 2016 17:30

сижу на работе, пью пиво (потому что оно тут есть!), восстанавливаю сервак амазона, чтобы они были неладны.
и чтобы пройти на сл уровень мне надо пройти их долбаный квест!!!

To retrieve the system logs it is recommended to launch a new instance (recovery), and detach the volume from the broken instance. Further, attach and mount the volume(detached from broken instance) to the recovery instance (to obtain the system logs). Therefore, please perform the following steps in order to address the issue:
a. Launch a new instance for example(recovery) in same region and Availability Zone.
b. Kindly note down the instance id's and volume id's for both the instances (broken one and recovery). Also, note the root device name of your broken instance -it should look similar  to "/dev/sda1" or /dev/xvda", you can find this in the Instance Details in the EC2 Management Console.
c. *Stop(do not terminate) the broken instance and wait till Instance status shows Stopped.
d. Detach the root volume of the broken instance.
e. Attach this volume to the running (recovery) instance under /dev/sdf or /dev/xvdf, depending on the naming convention your recovery instance is using.
f. Mount the volume under a mount point (sudo mkdir /mnt/oldDrive) of your choosing on the recovery instance (sudo mount /dev/xvdf /mnt/oldDrive) or (sudo mount /dev/xvdf1 /mnt/oldDrive) if your volume is partitioned. It might also need you to specify the filesystem type with the "-t [filesystem]" option.
Now, you would be able to provide the following logs for the recovery instance:
-- /mnt/oldDrive/var/log/syslog (for failure timestamp)
-- /mnt/oldDrive/var/log/auth.log
-- HTTP access logs (for web server case)



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