Dear Jamie,
If the Bush Administration gets its way, hundreds of wolves will soon be fleeing for their lives from armed planes and helicopters. By then it will be too late.
We must act boldly now, while their fate is in our hands. We've got 14 days left -- while the government is still taking public input -- to sound the alarm and spark a nationwide demand to "Call Off the Guns!"
And that's exactly what we're going to do. All we need is your help.
We've produced a gripping TV ad that will broadcast the plight of wolves -- and let caring Americans speak out with one powerful voice against the Bush Administration's deadly plan.
The ad is ready to go. We need to raise $200,000 to start running it next week in all 50 states -- and generate overwhelming pressure on the administration.
You can make it happen. If just 8,000 supporters like you donate $25 each, we will be on the air next week -- all week -- for the sake of wolves all across the northern Rockies.
Click here to preview the TV ad and get it on the air. Millions of Americans have no idea that their own government plans to gun down one of America's greatest living symbols of endangered wildlife...and that this airborne assault could begin as early as this winter.
They don't know that entire packs of wolves -- wolves that our government is supposed to be protecting -- could be exterminated in a matter of minutes.
But with your help, millions of Americans will know...starting next week.
And thousands of them will get online and register their opposition with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, demanding that the endangered wolves of the Rockies be protected.
The result? An avalanche of citizen protest that will shift the odds in favor of wolves.
But time is short. We've only got 14 days to unite Americans in a demand to Call Off the Guns.
watch the ad right now and
make an online contribution that will mobilize the public before the carnage can begin. Thank you.
Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund
Now, I know that a good-sized percentage of my flist isn't even IN the US, but that doesn't mean that this shouldn't be known. I admire wolves greatly, for both their grace and beauty and deadliness to their prey, which is rarely if ever human. I hate the idea of future generations not getting to see how these gorgeous and amazing creatures move in real life, or to never hear their howls at the full moon. And hell, this particular species is already endangered - what's to say that the Bush Administration would stop with the wolfpacks of the Northern Rockies? Who's to say that they wouldn't start slaughtering other endangered predators, like black bears or grizzlies? What about killing creatures that don't even challenge humans on the food chain, like caribou or Columbian white-tailed deer or northern aplomado falcons? Hell, who knows? They might end up killing the friggin' mascot of our country, the bald eagle. Wouldn't that be lovely?