30 Days of Truth: Day 13

Apr 05, 2011 20:47

Originally published at Skyspun.org. You can comment here or there.
Day 13 > A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)

I can remember the first time I ever heard them. I was home sick from school one day, and happened to be watching MTV. (you know, back when they actually played music videos?) I didn’t catch the band name or the name of the song as it started, but I remember being mesmerized by the dark humor and personality that each of the band members had. The lead singer just… grabbed me. The video was hilariously witty, and I immediately was hooked. I needed to know who these guys were. I needed to know all about them.

It was at that moment that I fell in love with My Chemical Romance.

Their music just… speaks to me in a way that makes me want to blast their music until my ears bleed. Their lyrics give me goosebumps. Their interviews make me smile. And their concerts literally bring me to tears. I remember the last time I saw them, as I stood amidst the mosh pits, merely feet away from Gerard Way as he belted out “Famous Last Words”… I can’t remember another moment where I felt so at peace and filled with happiness. I was standing there, staring up at him in awe, tears streaming down my face because my heart was just so full, it couldn’t hold any more emotion inside. I was bursting at the seams.

Below is a letter I wrote to them years ago when I first fell in love with them. I emailed it to their fan club, not sure if they would ever actually read it, but it gave me a sense of peace knowing that I at least could express my adoration for these guys.

I could probably think of a thousand different ways to start this email out, but for some reason none of them seem good enough. I have no idea who will even receive this, if it will really be the band - or if you’ve gotten large enough now where you have others screen your letters. Nevertheless, I wanted to write.

I wanted to say something that would make me stand out from the rest. I’m sure you get so many thousands of letters and emails and notes telling you how much you are adored… And - as much as I AM one of those people - I would hate to be labeled. I wish there was some way for me to be remembered in your minds as an individual, rather than just a fan. I guess I can’t help that you guys rock and the world is in love with you. :)

Enough babble - I really just needed to write this to tell you how much you really have saved my life in so many ways. When I first heard you guys, I was coming out of a terrible time in my life, and you guys really made everything worth while. I could feel like there is no point in waking up in the morning, but hearing you guys makes it easier. I’m really NOT alone. And it amazes me that five guys that I have never even met have the ability to make me feel understood. I guess that’s your talent. And you guys are full of it - in so many ways. And watching your interviews and hearing what you guys actually have to say make me realize how down to earth and REAL you guys are… Which is so hard to come by in “rock stars” these days.

It’s almost sad to know that there are five kick ass guys in the world that can make me feel so much better about myself and the world, and I’ll never actually get a chance to sit down and talk with them. Maybe in another time, right?

Keep up the amazing work, guys. Keep kicking ass, breaking hearts, rocking out, touching people, and slowly but surely conquering the world one song at a time. You guys really are superheros.

One of your many minions,
Jessica S.

30 days of truth

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