Merry, Merry

Dec 27, 2009 13:45

Originally published at You can comment here or there.

It’s been so long, I don’t even know where to begin.

I hope everyone had a wonderfully warm, safe and happy holiday. It was a hard Christmas for me, because there were a lot of changes. This year marked the first year that my brother and sister-in-law would not be home for the holiday. Unfortunately, they both had to work, and so they were stuck in Mass this Christmas. This also marked the first year in a very long time that I was not spending the night at my mother’s house for Christmas Eve. Throw in the fact that Simon had to work Christmas Day and the fact that this was the first year that Kayla really didn’t believe in Santa… it was just difficult. But it was nice, all the same. I woke up early, drove Simon to work and headed over to my mother’s to watch Kayla open her presents. We spent the better part of the afternoon at my grandparents’ house, where we ate Christmas dinner with the entire family. It was loud, boisterous and crowded… but it was what I have come to love about spending time with my relatives. Everyone was a little on edge due to the fact that only days before we found out that my grandfather’s cancer has made appearance for the third time, this time in both lungs… and we’re not entirely sure what’s going to happen. But we all kept smiles on and enjoyed ourselves all the same. It was nice to spend it with lots of people. I couldn’t imagine spending a holiday alone.

The house is still beautiful. I still catch myself walking into our kitchen and re-realizing that it’s really mine. I keep getting flashbacks of when we saw the house for the first time, when we weren’t even sure that we were going to get it. It seems so different now. I can’t imagine not living here. We still have a long way to go furnishing and decorating everything (a lot of our rooms are still quite empty), but we’re having so much fun making it our own. I’m so proud to be the owner of such a beautiful, new house. I never thought we’d ever get so lucky.

Work is still… well, work. Although I’m accepting more and more each day that I actually have come to like it. Some days I leave work and want to rip my hair out, but other days I find myself driving home with a smile on my face, because I know I am fortunate to have a fairly stable job where I’m appreciated. Not everyone is so lucky.

Our pet menagerie has grown a bit since we’ve moved. The bunny is still as cute as ever, as is our kitty… and now we have a slew of zebra finches in our midst as well. We started out with two, which multiplied to five… and now, since the eggs have hatched, we are the proud parents of seven (after poor Dahlia died). We have named them all: Noodles and Woogums (the parents), Mr. Bojangles (the first born), Storm, Puddles and Fluffernutter (the second batch)… And Steve, our first finch. Amazingly, we can still tell them all apart.

And that, my dears, is the very boring and ordinary update on my life. I apologize it’s been so long since I’ve written here. I keep wanting to, but life keeps getting in the way. I still have to do an overhaul on Skyspun, which I am planning in my head… hopefully someday soon I’ll be able to make it a reality. Until then, let’s hope I haven’t lost you all as readers.

Have a beautiful New Year, lovelies.

a bit of eloquence, photography, this is my life

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