Title: Windmills
Summary: Based on a prompt given by Nina! Windmills of your mind. I pretty much listened to
this version of it a hundred times while writing. Bold is lyrics. Italics is from the play/movie. This is more movie based, not that it makes much of a difference.
Warning: Very brief, vague mention of suicide. It is Juliet.
Never ending nor beginning on an ever spinning wheel.
Years spent going where she was led.
Years spent as a Capulet, bred and raised.
Days were endless circles.
Nights brought no change.
Like a door that keeps revolving in a half-forgotten dream.
Juliet has never been one to dream.
She has never been romantic or found herself considering the idea.
It is logic that she has had in her heart, in her own way, in as much as she was allowed.
She uses that reliable logic to explain the romantic feelings that she developed for a Montague.
What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
Logic above loyalty to her family.
But no logic explains how she could come to fall so quickly without choice or reason
Why did summer go so quickly?
An impossible break in the endless circles.
A free breath in the most stifling air.
Emotion that is her own.
A finding of oneself.
Romeo opens a door within her heart.
Juliet walks through.
Why did summer go so quickly? Was it something that you've said?
It ends like this.
Who knew that it would end this way?
Her hand grips cold metal and presses it against her forehead.
One more door opens.
Back to endless circles or take a step through, to being a Capulet or dying Juliet.
Romeo's eyes are closed. She does not remember the details of those eyes but it does not matter.
It is not about the eyes. It is not only about him.
One independent breath, and she pulls the trigger.
When we knew that it was over in the Autumn of goodbyes, for a moment you cannot recall the color of his eyes.