I have yet to finished updating about my adventures in Ottawa on the weekend... I will eventually. But for now here's some pictures from the weekend. (and a couple from earlier!)
Chillin' before Death Cab came on.
Me, Wales being a gangsta, Robyn
Me, Wales being nice, Robyn. This was just before we left in Wales' room.
Me, Robyn, Wales' very attractive room mate Tyler. He was so awesome. We jammed :) It was good times. Also, apparently he never smiles in pictures. Elijah Wood, anyone?
Death Cab rockin' out.
I thought this looked really neat. I <3 Death Cab. That set was so awesome.
Another pic of Death Cab rockin' out.
You're so cute when you're slurring your speech...
But they're closing the bars and they want us to leave
Older pix....
Me, Heath, Jess @ coffee house
Jess & Heather singing Leave the Pieces @ Coffee House. I suppose I could have edited this and made it not so dark. But it's late and I don't wanna :)
Me and Robyn are as cute as buttons! I love us!