Today like, was great, then I went to Math class, and people being douches just made me feel horrible.
HAHAHAA. I had yellow paint on my crotch area from art. ;D Man oh mannn.
So like, Tony needs to die, wtf? I shall fucking club you with my clarinet, then tell you I love you. Kay? Alright.
Not to mention the douches in my math class, geez shut the fuck up okay? I don't like you so , stop breathing.
Then, my ass was like, posted for target practice? ;D I'M STILL FEELING THE STING FROM MICHAEL'S HIT. =/ But, it made me smile, and laugh and weee.
Hey Ryan, You're spanking Nancy. <3
Hey other Ryann, you're my HO. ALSO. the mother of our beautiful child Flumpy. <3333333
OH OH. I told my Nana a VIAGRA JOKE and she laughed. I never ever thought in a million years....[shakes head]
And We talked bad about Candass, and she called, and I was all ' Nana why didn't you tell me she was gone? I kept talking about her in hopes she would walk out and hear. =[ You should have waited until she was home.' ;DDD Man oh mannn.