Dec 22, 2004 15:08
today wasnt bad...i was in the office this morning for like an hour with fran vanessa and anna...that was the only thing that pissed me off...
we almost finished the movie in italian...
yesterday me and tine walked up to genardis for some last minute christmas shopping ( again) and on the way there i stepped in this huge like covered well or was covered by like a little pile of my foot got stuck and i hit my thigh on the side of the well was funny though, well, once i got my foot out..haha tine...
then i went to dunkin donuts with my mom and got some coffee thingy and then stopped by andreas to get my shit...her and chelsea were walking around in these itty bitty tops doing their hair and make up, to go out im you guys must be really sick...yeah cause andrea told me she felt like she was gunna throw up every 2 minutes...shes been out all week and isnt coming back till after break...anywho, so then on the way home me and my mom were singing christmas songs all retarded..haha i love my mommy...
well ill write later...
Jen. <3