Jul 20, 2004 14:47
Me: tell me the story of tantalus
Alex: there was this guy named tantalus he was the coolest dude on the planet, anyway everyone loved him. Every girl wanted to have him, every guy wanted to be him, except for this one chick. Her name was.....shamult, yeah shamult. She digged this other dude and it is in a man's nature to want the one thing he cannot have. So he yerned for her. He couldn't figure out if it hurt or if it washed his feelings into a swirling world of love. So he ignored all the mail that came to him, all the love that the world gave him just to think about her. He pondered on what to do. What he could do to win her over? He never asked for help, he kept his love a total secret. After a while his love for shamult grew and her love for the other guy faded. He thought of a plan the night shamult broke up with the other dude. The next day he began the first step of his plan. He gathered three of his friends, with really super long names. He told the first one to go to the royal palace of ginaneeva and collect 4 roses, he told another friend to go to the wax smith and buy 100 candles and he told the third friend to go to a breeder and buy 14 baby bunny rabbits. That night when...um...shamurd got home, she jumped at the site of what had happened to her home…((now it's time to mess up the story 8-))) there was a giant fire in the middle of the main room, 14 baby rabbits were skinned and being cooked on a rack, she saw hints of wax in the fire as if there were over 100 candles in it. She gasped at the site and tantulus jumped out behind and yelled BOOH!! She turned around but tripped! She stumbled backwards and into the fire. Tantulus was shocked at first, but than he remembered that he was the coolest guy on the planet and there are probably a billion other shamurds or whatever in the world. But in the end he died too, without ever seeing another living thing for the rest of his life. And that ladies and gentl.......lady....is the story of tantulus. The End.
hehe and that is alex kuhn for you...man i love that kid