May 13, 2003 16:36
Anyways..I know summer is nearing because I came home and changed into shorts and a tank top, and I am PERFECT! Man, oh man, has it been ages since I've worn shorts. I am very happy with today's temperature. Tomorrow is suppose to be a little cooler. NEXT MONDAY, TUESDAY, AND WEDNESDAY IT IS SUPPOSE TO BE IN THE 70'S! But, the news is never ever right, so it'll rain next week. Sadness. BUT! Today is great! I want to go outside to sit in the sun and get tan...I see a tiny tiny difference in me from yesterday (went to a cancer box, as said by Coralie). OoOoh, So much fun trying to get cancer. Hahaha, I just want to be tan, isn't that everyone's desire?
I am wearing my new tank top too. My black one that Kori got for me. It's very comfortable. Anyways, I'm not really burned from yesterday...I as hoping to get a little burned. I know that sounds crazy, but its a sure way of telling if you got something out of laying there...ya know?
I am going to go drink some ice tea, and go outside for a bit, to relax before doing homework. I have a lot of homework.
Tomorrow I have a test in math...(urgh), and I have to write a few core papers tonight. You know what? I'll do those in yearbook tomorrow, yes yes what a plan. I think I am the only one who got a B in yearbook. So tonight all I have to do is study for my math test and do the wrap-up. :)....yeah time to play in the sun!!!